MVAEC is a unified voice of Aboriginal Organizations, who strategically plan, advocate and positively influence outcomes that strengthen the service delivery and policies that impact our
Metro Vancouver Urban Aboriginal Community.
— Metro Vancouver Aboriginal Executive Council
Mission Statement
The MVAEC is a unified voice of Aboriginal Organizations, who strategically plan, advocate and positively influence outcomes that strengthen the service delivery and policies that impact our Metro Vancouver Urban Aboriginal Community.
To strategically plan for programs and services for the urban Aboriginal population. We advocate and represent our member agencies to various levels of government and stakeholders. We do not represent provincial organizations, yet cooperate where possible. This applies also to our on-reserve relatives.
Our Structure
The Council is made up of CEOs, Executive Directors and/or Presidents of Aboriginal controlled agencies in Metro Vancouver. The Council elects a Board of Directors to follow the day to day activities of the agency and to represent their interests.
Our History
The Metro Vancouver Aboriginal Executive Council (MVAEC) was formed in 2009 to serve as a collective for urban Aboriginal agencies. There are currently 22 members.
MVAEC recognizes the need for continued support of a united voice for the 40,000 Aboriginal people in the Metro Vancouver area. MVAEC was incorporated as a society in 2009 and includes 22 Aboriginal organizations representing a diverse range of programs, services, and mandates across Metro Vancouver.
Through regular Council and Round Table meetings addressing priority areas, and other pro-active efforts, MVAEC has accomplished a great deal, and we continue to play a major leadership role in Metro Vancouver. MVAEC has successfully engaged many businesses, community organizations, and all levels of government in discussions and partnerships that will
ultimately lead to benefits for the urban Aboriginal community.
We welcome contact from individual organizations, city councils, and government departments who are interested in partnering with MVAEC to help build a stronger Metro Vancouver Region for all its citizens.
The Council meets regularly to discuss municipal, regional, provincial, and federal issues as they relate to urban off-reserve Aboriginal people. This is especially important, given that almost 60% of all Aboriginal people now live in urban centres. Despite this reality, there is very little acknowledgement of the unique needs of urban Aboriginal people, or investments to meet those needs.
MVAEC’s goal is to ensure that all levels of government, both mainstream and Aboriginal, acknowledge this reality and provide meaningful and sustainable efforts, financial investments, and ongoing support to meet urban Aboriginal people’s short and long-term needs.
MVAEC does not see individual clients, nor do we provide any direct services. Our member agencies perform this role. Instead, MVAEC is a Think and Lead Organization, addressing policy and program issues on behalf of the close to 70,000 urban Aboriginal people in Metro Vancouver.
“a council
of CEOS, Executive Directors
and Presidents
of Aboriginal-controlled agencies in Metro Vancouver”
Through strong sectoral representation and broad-based coalition-building, strategically plan and effectively advocate on behalf of urban Aboriginal people in Metro Vancouver
Engage the urban off-reserve Aboriginal community and solicit their input through forums, events, surveys, and other means
Promote positive cross-cultural dialogue and relationship-building
Form collaborative partnerships with diverse stakeholders to influence policy, and enhance resources and services to improve and increase positive outcomes for urban Aboriginal people in the region
Promote, strengthen, and advocate for resource equity and sustainability for urban Aboriginal organizations
MVAEC is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors elected by the 22 member agencies. MVAEC supports Executives who bring a strategic view, in that they see both the frontline service delivery issues, yet can also inform us of challenges with various initiatives that Aboriginal groups may be accessing.
Our Structure:
The Council is made up of CEOs, Executive Directors and/or Presidents of Aboriginal controlled agencies in Metro Vancouver.
The Council elects a Board of Directors to follow the day to day activities of the agency and to represent their interests.